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Rare and Unusual Plant Sale in Ottawa

by Barbara-

Last weekend, I attended a plant sale held at the Central Experimental Farm. I was really looking forward to this because they had “rare” and ‘unusual’ in the title. It was a great turn out and it appeared the only person there not quite happy was me. I realised this was a sale for outdoor gardeners and besides a few plants I had no clue what the other plants were. Whether the plants for sale were rare or unusual I couldn’t say. I felt so left out as an indoor gardener. Where were the hindu ropes and the weird-looking succulents and cacti? I don’t think I even saw an air plant and those fall under the category of unusual plants, no? Of course I knew if nothing at all there would be a few succulents, especially Sempervivum. And there were. Lots!

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A few other colorful plants I recognized.


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I met one vendor who showcased succulent crafts.
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Another vendor had miniature garden accessories. She was quite happy to find that someone finally recognized them for what they were.



Mushrooms anyone?


So, there wasn’t much there for me. I left there with an empty shopping bag, which is very unusual for me. Luckily for me, the Green house on the Farm opened its doors to the public that day so I made my way down there. Will tell you all about that later.

Do yo have any plant sale stories?



Hi, I’m Barbara and I’m a little obsessed with house plants. I share my house plant adventures in the hopes of inspiring you to continue to enjoy the greens in your home. And if you have no plants (yet!) I hope this blog inspires you to add some green to your home. So go on! Try it! I think you might quite like it. And who knows? You may end up being … obsessed too.


  1. Heidi

    I share your feelings – as the outdoor gardening season starts, every plant sale or market offers mostly outdoor plants. As an indoor gardener I feel really left out! By the way, I totally love your blog. Just stumbled upon it via house plant journal-tumblr and I’m so pleased because I’ve been looking for houseplant blogs to follow! Do you have any favorites you would recommend?
    – Heidi

    20 . May . 2015
    • Barbara

      Thanks Heidi. I just checked out your blog and really like your post on the orchid terrarium. Thinking of trying my hands at one in the future. Here are a few plant blogs I read: The outlaw Gardener (Mostly about outdoor garden but he has a greenhouse which I love); Succulents and Sunshine (All about succulents); Urban Jungle bloggers is a great plant community. Members are bloggers who also love plants and every month there is a challenge to do something with plants. Its pretty fun and you can join in. There are also websites about plants i.e. ‘The plant hunter’ and the ‘Joy of Plants’. They both have interesting stuff about plants, especially houseplants. Enjoy the new reading and thanks for stopping by!

      20 . May . 2015
  2. Peter/Outlaw

    Sorry you left the plant sale empty handed. Most of the spring plant sales are about outdoor gardening as the house plant folks can have sales at any time of the year. Here January seems to be the month of the house plant sales. The house in the first picture looks quite grand!

    12 . May . 2015
    • Barbara

      I agree. Hopefully I can join in the spring plant sales next year when I have a backyard 🙂 That building in the background is part of the Central Experimental Farm (which is a working farm and research centre of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada). Most of the buildings are preserved heritage buildings and I think that building is one of them. It looks even more grander from the front. Who ever lived there back in the day must have been quite important.

      12 . May . 2015

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