We are headed to Southern California for this next plant tour. I am crushing hard on her fiddle leaf Fig. 🙂
Your name: Kristin Visk
Occupation: Orthodontic Assistant and Lifestyle Photographer
Where you live: Southern California
Number of plants you own: My space is actually really small, so only right under 30 houseplants. Of course, I want more though!
How long you have been into plants and how did you get introduced: I would say just little over a year ago I bought a ‘Hoya’ hanging plant and loved the way it looked in the corner of my room. After a month went by and I didn’t kill it, I thought, hey I could get a few more and then a few more, and you get the pic! Ha!
Where do your windows face and what plants have grown best in your home or close to those windows?: I have a West and North window and my tiny room gets PLENTY of indirect light and my plant babies love it. My fiddle fig and monstera are really popping right now!
Name any benefits you get from your plants: Just the pleasure of looking at them, they are gorgeous and I feel my room is so much more ‘clean’ with them in there.
What kind of plants do you like most? They are like children (if I had any) I can’t favor one over the other! BUT right now my fiddle fig is my prized baby.
Can you share the biggest challenge you have had with your plants? Definitely learning how to NOT water them too much. I learned from my mistakes and I’m getting better!
Can you share one mistake you made as a gardener?: Buying plants at stores without really checking them out at first! Observe the soil and the state of the plant really well before bringing it home!
If your plants were to be taken from you and you could only keep one (can’t bear the thought I know), which one would it be and why? Probably my monstera! Because it was so hard to find one, that I would be so sad to loose it!
Best advice you can give about any aspect in taking care of plants: Really get to ‘know’ them and observe daily for any changes.
Where can others can find you: –Â instagram.com/plantladyco
Wow, I’m in love with your Fiddle Leaf and Monstera. That first picture with the shadow of blinds (i’m guessing) on the plants is a pretty shot. Again as always, I am happy you shared a little bit of you and your home with us, Kristin.
Would you like your home and plants featured here? Go to The Plants at Yours to learn more.
Send your pictures or questions to green.obsession.blog@gmail.com
Hi, I’m Barbara and I’m a little obsessed with house plants. I share my house plant adventures in the hopes of inspiring you to continue to enjoy the greens in your home. And if you have no plants (yet!) I hope this blog inspires you to add some green to your home. So go on! Try it! I think you might quite like it. And who knows? You may end up being … obsessed too.
Nice post. Nice blog. Hopefully I can learn to keep plants alive
05 . Jul . 2017Barbara
I hope I can help. Send me any plant questions you might have and I might be able to help you. All the best!
05 . Jul . 2017Les
Hi Kristin, your plants are beautiful and look so healthy. Thanks so much for sharing.
05 . Jul . 2017