Headed to Singapore for our next plant tour.
Your name: Yap Boon Seng
Occupation: Part-time realtor & full-time gardener

Where you live: Singapore, Little red dot
Number of plants you own: Well over a 100

How long you have been into plants and how did you get introduced: I have always loved nature & greens since I was a child watching my mum tending to her plants. Right after I had my own home, it was a point of no return. It is my 17th year into this hobby.
Where do your windows face and what plants have grown best in your home or close to those windows?: The apartment is east facing; the best for patio or balcony plants. It has sufficient light yet not too harsh for the plants

Name any benefits you get from your plants: Keeping me sane!
What kind of plants do you like the most: I particularly like ferns (eg. Tassle fern hurperzia, platyceriums & adiantums). In my collection I grow orchids (eg. dendrobiums & phalaenopsis), Aroids (eg. alocasia, colocasia, anthuriums) & philodendron), Begonias, fittonias, bromeliads, christmas cactus, rhipsalis and plumeria

Can you share the biggest challenge you have had with your plants?: Having to moderate watering amongst the different species and also the light source. My vertical garden wall is the most challenging as it receives lesser light due to movement of the sun every half year. To help me with regular watering and misting which the plants need I have installed a timer and misting system to irrigate the plants. This way, I spend more time enjoying the growth than maintaining them. Haha, I am a lazy gardener.

Can you share one mistake you made as a gardener?: Rushing to buy without studying the characteristics of a plant. I have given up on succulents as most of my plants are water- loving whereas succulents are not and they fair badly in the balcony.

If your plants were to be taken from you and you could only keep one (can’t bear the thought I know), which one would it be and why?: I would keep my Platycerium coronarium that has been with me for 13 years. I got it when it was a size of 20cm and now its 2 metres in height.

Hover mouse over or click pictures below for ID
Best advice you can give about any aspect in taking care of plants: Be very patient & know the personality of each of them. Talk to them too it’ll keep you sane.
Where can others find you: On Instagram @ _PLANT_JUNKIE_
Thanks so much Yap Boon for sharing your plants with us. I love your lush vertical garden and I know my readers will love it too. I particularly love all the different ferns you have. That last picture though – it is as if you are emerging from the photoframe 🙂 Beautiful plant collection!!
Would you like your plants featured here? Go to The Plants at Yours to learn more.
Send your pictures or questions to green.obsession.blog@gmail.com
Share the Plant love:
Hi, I’m Barbara and I’m a little obsessed with house plants. I share my house plant adventures in the hopes of inspiring you to continue to enjoy the greens in your home. And if you have no plants (yet!) I hope this blog inspires you to add some green to your home. So go on! Try it! I think you might quite like it. And who knows? You may end up being … obsessed too.
I have an earth star small plant and I went to pull a dead leaf off and the whole middle broe off. Can it be saved. Thank you
01 . Jan . 2019Barbara
Hi Debbie,
15 . Jan . 2019It’s hard to say without actually seeing the plant but if the middle fell apart then I’m thinking no.
and what a cool cat as well! Unusual markings.
19 . May . 2017Claire
That photo of the ‘tendrils’ of P. huperzia (looking up through it) is AMAZING! I just want to reach out and touch. All so very nice.
19 . May . 2017Barbara
I know right??! It’s a great shot. Thankyou as always. and I’d love to showcase your plants too claire
19 . May . 2017Yayra Torkornoo
The plants at Yap’s are so beautiful and colorful. The last picture looks like a piece of art. Lovely!
14 . May . 2017Jacqueline
Felt the same way with my succulents
14 . May . 2017Rhonda
What an awesome post!! Love, love and more love. That last photo….brilliant!
14 . May . 2017