The SD Card Saga – what a dramatic title :). According to google, a saga can be a long story in Old Norse or Old Icelandic. While the stories on this SD card warrants a 2 part blog post, I can assure you the narration is not in Old Norse but in English only, so no need to take out your Old Norse to English translator. Just sit back and let the pictures tell the story. This story is of an old SD card I found recently with several ‘picture stories’, I forgot I had and now wish to tell. One set of pictures told the story of an annual butterfly show at the Montreal Botanical Gardens D and I attended a year ago. He took some amazing pictures and although the focus was on butterflies, I thought they were too good not to share. Once upon a time there were a kaleidoscope of butterflies…
The End.
Watch out for the next instalment of the SD card saga, on blogs near you! Ok, I’m done being silly now. 🙂
What butterfly was your favourite? Mine was the green one.
Making a Kaleidoscope with Butterflies
Seeing a Kaleidoscope of butterflies made me want to make kaleidoscope images with these butterflies for fun. I used a web program called Sumopaint. I ended up with some pretty cool and weird images of butterflies and plants.

To make one:
1. Open SumoPaint in your browser
2. Click the button “Open From Computer” and select an image from your photo folder.
3. Click on “Filters” (in the menu) and hover your mouse over “Distort” and select “Kaleidoscope”. You can choose how the kaleidoscope will look by playing with the settings there (e.g. changing ‘division’ and “direction”). Have fun!
Share the Plant love:
Hi, I’m Barbara and I’m a little obsessed with house plants. I share my house plant adventures in the hopes of inspiring you to continue to enjoy the greens in your home. And if you have no plants (yet!) I hope this blog inspires you to add some green to your home. So go on! Try it! I think you might quite like it. And who knows? You may end up being … obsessed too.
My favorite is definitely the back and white ones
09 . Jul . 2015Barbara
Hi Lisa, glad you enjoyed the butterflies.
10 . Jul . 2015Amanda
I remember having one too. It was like a binoculars and you could look through and see all sort of beautiful colored images. Wonder if they make them anymore
08 . Jul . 2015Barbara
I am sure they still make them. You just took me back 🙂
10 . Jul . 2015Adorablest
So, so pretty, I love butterflies 🙂 I think my fav is the white one in the top (and some other) photos. That kaleidoscope app looks unreal. I was only thinking the other day, I had one of those as a kid and was wondering where it got to…
07 . Jul . 2015Barbara
Yes I remember having one of those kaleidoscope toy too as a kid.
10 . Jul . 2015